Fan Mail
If you would like to send me an old fashion letter, pictures to sign or surprise me with a gift ... you can send to the following address:
Dolly Fox
Avenida Plutarco Nº 16, Local 1 (MBE Mail Boxes Etc.), buzon 376
29010 Malaga (Malaga)
Please keep in mind that it's not possible for me to send out free signed pictures, you can order these from me.
But I'm happy to sign pictures you send to me. Please follow these instructions:
- include a self-addressed envelop
- enough Cash to cover the postage to send it back to you, this can be USD, EUR or GBP or enough Spanish stamps*
IMPORTANT: I won't be sending things back if no money to cover postage was included!
* Please keep in mind that stamps from your own country are not valid to send something from Spain to your country!