Blog Entries Tagged with score
Please Vote for Me in 2018 Score Awards! Thank You!
29th of November, 2018

Hi Sweetie,
Last year I won Score Model of the Year 2017 and the year before I won Score Newcomer of the Year 2016. Thank you to everybody who voted then for me. I'm hoping I can count on your vote again to win this 3rd year in a row. It would make me really happy.
The voting for the 2018 competition has already started.
There are 3 ways to vote:
1) If you're a member of, you can vote online.
2) If you have the magazine, you can copy the ballot and send it by regular mail to Score. The address is on the ballot. You can download the ballot here too. I already marked myself to make it more easy for you.
3) Just email the name of your favourite for each category to You can copy the following text to send in your email, just to make it a little more easy for you. See ballot below for list of nominees and more info.
My votes for the 2018 Score Awards.
Model: Dolly Fox
Hall of Fame:
Kind regards,
IMPORTANT: You must vote in all 3 categories and only choose from the nominees listed to be valid. You can only vote once. Incomplete ballots will be discarded. Multiple votings per person will make them all invalid.
The voting ends at midnight on January 15, 2019 (Miami time zone)
Thank you in advance for your support and to vote for me as Model of the Year 2018.
Big Kisses,
Please Vote for Me! Thank You!
9th of December, 2017

Hi sweeties,
Last year I won Score Newcomer of the Year 2016. Thank you to everybody who then voted for me.
The voting for the 2017 competition has already started.
There are 3 ways to vote:
1) If you're a member on, you can vote online.
2) If you have the magazine, you can copy the ballot and send it by regular mail to Score. The address is on the ballot. You can download the ballot here, where I already marked myself to make it more easy for you.
3) Just email the name of your favourite for each category to You can copy the following text to send in your email, just to make it a little more easy for you.
My votes for the 2017 Score Awards.
Model: Dolly Fox
Hall of Fame:
Kind regards,
IMPORTANT: You must vote in all 4 categories to be valid! You need to choose from the nominees listed in the categories listed on the ballot. You can only vote once, multiple votings will result in all your votings being declared invalid.
The voting ends midnight on January 15, 2018 (Miami time zone)
Thank you in advance to vote for me as Model of the Year 2017
Big Kisses,
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