Believe in yourself, even when no one else does! ?
#MondayMotivaton ?
Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself! (by Roy T. Bennett)
Whatever you're doing, I believe in you ????
Bought 2 puzzles of 1000 pieces. (They were only 4,99 each!) Think it’s a great way to take a step back from daily life, relax and clear the mind …
What do you think?
Not sure yet when I will start to make them though …
Do you like to play old fashion games with friends or family? ?
My favourite is UNO and I'm showing you my favourite card in the video ?
Do you like UNO?
What's your favourite game? (non digital)
Would you like to play a game with me? ?
For me it's the perfect way to pass time with friends and family, and to escape the virtual world from time to time.
Do you agree?
Good things come to those who believe ...
Better things come to those who are patient ...
And the best things come to those who don't give up!
Actually something I have to remind myself from time to time, I have been close to giving up multiple times. The struggles were and are very real, but I'm not ready yet to give up. They say to ask for help is okay, but so far I haven't found the right kind of help that I really need. So for now, I'll just keep doing my own research. It's a very slow process that way, but better slow progress than no progress at all. I don't have the luxury to take off for a while to get it all sorted quickly or to start all over from scratch with a clean slate. So where I want to get will take a while, step by step, little by little, ... And if you're still there with me through all the changes and struggle, then you're really an amazing person to me! ❤️