I've just uploaded a new video gallery. Check it out.
This blog entry is only available for Basic Membership members and higher
I'm having trouble with my laptop and just waisted half a day, to try to get the content that I shot in Las Vegas to my main computer. I brought it in for repair and they promised that I will have it back tomorrow. Due to this problem, I was still not able to upload the new videos. They promised me that they will copy the content to an external drive, just in case if they're not able to get the laptop fixed by tomorrow. Either way, I will have the content tomorrow and then I can start to edit.
By tomorrow evening the first video will be online.
Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Big Kisses,
Almost back in Spain. Will be late in the night when arriving back home.
Will be very busy day tomorrow ... unpacking, catching up, ... but you can start to expect the first updates around the evening.
As promised, you will get multiple new full length videos and picture sets in the next few weeks. This is for silver level and up. There will also be multiple blog updates for the lower levels.
Thank you for your patience. Hope you will like what I’ve been shooting in Vegas for you ...
Big Kisses,